
唔知個故事係咪based on真人真事?咁無理由呢種四角而且咁亂既關係會寫得咁傳神,裡面既人唔只「誘心」仲係「有心地誘心」,但係點解要咁做,諗唔明?貪得意貪過癮?

不過overall來講個故事係寫得幾好,傳眼間LEON已經十年,但係解佢opening同ending既片段會咁有洗頭水廣告feel架?最後係theme song時間,都好好聽,blower’s daughter…最衰beautiful stranger係第二齣戲既theme song,如果唔係應該都可以用得著。

by Damien Rice

and so it is
just like you said it would be
life goes easy on me
most of the time
and so it is
the shorter story
no love no glory
no hero in her skies
i can’t take my eyes off of you
and so it is
just like you said it should be
we’ll both forget the breeze
most of the time
and so it is
the colder water
the blower’s daughter
the pupil in denial
i can’t take my eyes off of you
did I say that I loathe you?
did I say that I want to
leave it all behind?
i can’t take my mind off of you
my mind
’til I find somebody new

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