


about aco|關於艺鵠

【併音】guk1 /gǔ
水鳥,形狀像鵝,體較鵝大,鳴聲宏亮,善飛,吃植物、昆蟲等(亦稱「天鵝」)|a kind of swan


艺鵠_书:讓文化藝術工作者、愛書人閱讀、沉思、聚首、評議的開放平台。可設約30 座位,歡迎在此舉辦各類微型活動,過往活動包括展覧、音樂會、電影放映會、讀書會、講座、新聞發佈會等。

艺鵠_宿:2006 – 2010年間,艺鵠於富德樓14樓設置廉價舒適的住宿服務,旨在為海外獨立藝術家或受本地藝團之邀而訪港的藝術家、研究員、策劃者等等提供廉價而舒適的中 短期住宿。也藉此鼓勵本地團體多與外地伙伴合作交流。數年間,眼見本地陸續開設了一些也是歡迎世界各地藝術文化工作者租住的相宜住宿,如位於尖沙咀的樸樸旅舍、太子的WontonMeen、柴灣的青年旅舍等。有感功成身退,故艺鵠宿舍至2010年底結束。

spearheaded by independent arts and cultural worker Ms May Fung, and generously supported by Dawei Charitable Foundation, Art and Culture Outreach (ACO) is a non-profit making organization founded in 2005, aiming to facilitate both local and overseas art and cultural practitioners to have cross boundary / discipline development. We encourage cross-over collaboration in different aspects:

aco_books: an open space for art and cultural practitioners, and general book lovers to read, to think and to discuss about anything in and out of books. With a capacity of about 30 seating, we welcome any kind of collaborations. in the past, we have held various kind of activities here: concerts, exhibitions, film screenings, book reading clubs, talks and press conferences etc.

aco_air: in 2006 – 2010, aco set up an affordable yet cozy short-term residency for overseas art and cultural practitioners. it was a way to foster local and overseas cultural exchange. in view of the growing alternatives, such as Hop Inn in Tsim Sha Tsui, WontonMeen in Prince Edward, Y-Loft in Chai Wan, aco_air is therefore closed by the end of 2010.

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