AO Vertical 第二個展覽:「關於人 .關於生活 . 關於城市」

藝術家 Artist: 劉衛 Lau Wai | 劉智聰 Lau Chi Chung | 何兆南 Ho Siu Nam, South | 鍾志豪 Gio Chung | 黎藝雄 Rraay Lai | Jeremy Jangord

策展人 Curator: 葉曉燕 Rachel Ip

Venue: AO Vertical Art Space

Address: 5 – 13/F, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan,, Hong Kong

Opening reception: 17 Aug 2012 (Fri) 6-8pm

展覽日期:2012年8月18日至2012年9月14日 / 星期一至六 | 上午九時至下午六時 / 星期日及公眾假期休息 (免費入場)
Exhibition Period: 18 August to 14 September, 2012 / Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm / Closed on Sundays and public holidays(FREE ADMISSION)

全港首創垂直型的藝術空間AO Vertical 繼「劉香成看中國」後將於8月18日至9月14日舉行第二個展覽「關於人 .關於生活 . 關於城市」,是次我們將展出六位年青藝術家的攝影作品,當中包括劉衛、劉智聰、何兆南、鍾志豪、黎藝雄、Jeremy Jangord等。由藝術空間的五至十三樓,展出的作品共四十一張,題材以三十歲這一代對生活的反思和城市的關注出發。

當數碼攝影愈益普及,攝影常被誤解為一件很容易的事。是次展覽由活躍於藝術及攝影推廣的葉曉燕策展,選出的六位藝術家的作品,都是一些持之以恆的拍攝計劃或經過反覆思量的嚴謹創作。劉衛與劉智聰關注的是時間與土地的關係,專業攝影師黎藝雄與Jeremy Jangord 的作品則對現代的生活模式提出質疑。曾經得到香港藝術雙年獎的何兆南,是次的新作《冷與靜的時光》展現的是世界的盡頭,而鍾志豪則用攝影細說人類的心靈。

這些作品像一個「環」,由城市到生活到人,作品巧妙地互相呼應。雖然大家用了不同的手法說故事,但當中同樣散發著一種屬於這一代的基調,一種孤獨、無奈及蒼涼,彷彿是一種年青人在這個大環境下無聲的控訴。’About Us, about Life, and about the City’ is the second show to be hosted by AO Vertical art space, the unique ‘vertical gallery’ in Chai Wan. To be held from 18 August to 14 September on 5-13F, the exhibition will highlight 41 inspiring works by six talented young artists: Lau Wai, Lau Chi Chung, South Ho, Gio Chung, Rraay Lai and Jeremy Jangord.

‘About Us, about Life, and about the City’ resonates with the lives and concerns of the ’30-something’ generation of Hong Kong. Curated by Rachel Ip, a keen promoter of the arts and photography, the exhibition also demonstrates something different; far from being ‘easy snaps’ from the digital age, these images are endowed with substantial meaning and value. Each is the product of a creative, continuous extension of conceptualisation and refinement by their makers.

Thoughts on the relationship between landscapes and time feature in the works of Lau Wai and Lau Chi Chung; renowned fashion photographers Rraay Lai and Jeremy Jangord meanwhile dispute modern living patterns via their photos. South Ho, a Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Award winner, portrays the end of the world in his collection ‘Frozen Time’, while Gio Chung’s images speak to and about the human inner world.

Resembling a ring that has no beginning or end, all these stories, narrated in different forms and styles, unfold with a sense of loneliness, frustration and desolation – about the city, the life, and the people.

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