the CONFESSION Exhibition by Little Thunder

Rats Cave presents the CONFESSION Exhibition by Little Thunder

Opening Party: 24 November at 18:00 – 22:00
Exhibition date: 24 November – 21 December 2012
Venue: Rat’s Cave
Address: 香港上環太平山街 18A-B 地下  | G/F, 18A-B Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2858 9001







Being honest is one of the most fundamental elements of being an artist,
drawing is nothing more than expressing ourselves, our opinions and our hearts.

Sometimes we lie to ourselves,
“what kind of person I am”, and “who I want to become”
are two completely different subjects.

To fake an identity with our works;
they might not necessarily be bad works,
the visuals could be very impressive,
or even applause from everyone,
but that doesn’t mean anything to me.

This is my first solo exhibition,
it is my confession,
my repentance,
my vindication,
or even just simply moaning,
but everything is real.

For this exhibition I created an illustrated book about dreams – “Nightingale”,
I don’t have the habit of writing diary,
but I record the dreams I had every night, and hence the name Nightingale.
This book contains a small fraction of the dreams I had, showing everyone explicitly and honestly.

Dreams is the most honest thing,
no matter how you lie to yourself everyday,
but dreams had never lied to you.



至二〇〇六年回港,開始在Milk Magzine連載專欄,其後集結成書出版《宇宙不安學會暨門小雷繪圖筆記本》。同期於比利時出版社Dargaud出版全彩色漫畫《KYLOOE》三部曲之第一期《Downhearted Dragonfly》,其後仍不斷努力製作,直至二〇一二年出版三部曲的最後一期《Never Been Happy》。

期間亦為不少本地音樂人繪畫專輯插圖,例如容祖兒的《Joey Ten》,RubberBand的《Connected》及《Easy》,也於何韻詩的《詩與胡說》MV 及法藉女歌手Jena Lee的《Du Style》MV 中繪畫動畫。除此之外,也曾在恭碩良的《Help Is On The Way》MV中作舞蹈演出。


Little Thunder, international comic artist and illustrator who was born in Hong Kong. She knew drawing would be her life-time partner since she was a little child.

Having devoted herself into comic and illustration with passion and consistent hard in the past 15 years she has become very experienced and creative in great diversity of styles, elements, ideas and techniques. Over the years, she has her works published in Hong Kong, China and Europe.

At an age of 11, she first submitted her artwork to a comic magazine and got the same published with very much praise. Her art talent was confirmed at the time. Since then, she kept working very hard for her creative work in all spare time after school and got most of them published. Her first publication in Hong Kong has been published by “Kubrick” in July 2009. In addition, she collaborates with a Belgium publication “Dargaud” and has her full colour comic “KYLOOE” series published in France.


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