《Black Horror》series.


我的朋友都是多媒體創作的,而C#最近密密製作他的「黑色幽默」漫畫,風格多變的《Black Horror》在短短的時間內已經推出了兩期,免費索取,錯過了的朋友亦可以到他的網頁看到網上版,以下是他個人的創作概念、網站以及索取地址。請繼續留意即將推出的第三期《Black Horror》!

C# has been addicted to graffiti, street art, paintings, drawings, sculptures, stickers, stencils since he was born.

C# concentrates in drawing comics nowadays. He published his first issue of self-financing free comic books – “Black Horror” in early 2010. “Black Horror” is not like other traditional Hong Kong comics, e.g. martial art, or love stories with Japanese style “blink-blink eyes” characters. “Black Horror” consists of various short stories, there are black humour, horror, or even “gores and guts” stories! The second issue of “Black Horror” was published in July. The third issue will be published soon. He will post some parts of the stories to Facebook Page – “Blackhorror Series” or his website from time to time. Copies of free “Black Horror” can be obtained by leaving messages at C#’s Facebook Page or website or at the following locations.


Start From Zero:
Shop No. 305, 3/F DNA Galleria, 61-65 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui

Choking Edge:
2/F, 525 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay

Shop No. 217a, 2/F DNA Galleria, 61-65 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui

www.completeyourmission.blogspot.com / Blackhorror Series Facebook page

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