SFZ Happy Worker FUCK YOU NO.7 Spell Wrong Furniture Exhibition

FUCK YOU my friend @domsfz , everyone please keep your eyes on his next exhibition SPELL WRONG FURNITURE at @ratscave_sfz

Rat’s Cave presents

SFZ Happy Worker FUCK YOU NO.7
Spell Wrong Furniture Exhibition

This is the first exhibition by Dom Chan, the founder of Start From Zero, at Rat’s Cave. (Please don’t bother to ask about the meaning behind the exhibition title). This exhibition represents the end and a new beginning of SFZ. Been experimenting with woodwork, we still didn’t have a chance to showcase pieces which we have been working on for the past few years. This exhibition is just an excuse to throw a party and share the results. Having an exhibition, setting myself a deadline, a target, challenge myself to complete a certain number of pieces within a time limit, as well as experimenting and practicing with different techniques.This allows me to gain a better understanding of the practice behind woodworking and characteristics of different materials. Exhibitions and events which SFZ had participated in the past such as Clockenflap, Detour, Vans, etc, gave us a chance to really dig deep into the practice of woodworking. Some of our pieces were built using recycled wood symbolises the nature of young local artists and designers living a life as street rats and stray cats which we picked up from the street.

And once again, big thanks to the SFZ team: Siupak, Yin jai (Kidney), Kitty, David Boey,Wah Bros, Mrs Wrong, Charlie the cat, Dick the cat, Bo the cat, other cats and Kin.

這是SFZ創辨人Dom首個木工個展,亦是SFZ在我們概念店Rat’s Cave首個展覽。(請別問展覽名字的解釋)是次展覽是個了結亦是開始。開始鑽研木工創作數年,從來沒正式向大家展示過一直在做的作品,今次找個藉口開派對和分享我的成果。開展覽,給自己一個限期,挑戰自己在有限時間裡面創作出一定數量的成品。同時可以有目標地探究和鍛煉各木工技巧,認識不同種類木材的特質。作品的木材部份使用被遺棄或循環再用的木。如SFZ之前曾參與過的展覽及活動(clockenflap,detour,vans),有如我們收養被遺棄的流浪貓或是像過街老鼠般的年輕街頭藝術家,一脈相承。

Venue: Rat’s Cave
Address: 香港上環太平山街 18A-B 地下 G/F, 18A-B Tai Ping Shan Street, + 852 Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening: Friday, 31 May 2013, 7-10PM

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