Date: September 5 – October 14
Address: LCX | Level 3, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Hong Kong
今次展覽的年代設定由公元前到2001年, 展覽整體以電影內描述的時代背景作為時間軸,從而貫穿及
表達出Evolution (進化) 的主題。
EVOLUTION [進化過程] 由被認為是人類祖先的猿人得到象徵智慧的黑石板作起點,猿人開始懂得製作工具去改善生活,解決生活的基本需要, 生活變得安穩。從此,人類逐漸變得有獨立及批判性的思想 ,並利用不同的”工具”去達到目的。除了身體結構上的進 化之外,情感及道德上皆是如此。”Evolution” 的時間軸以多部電影細緻地描繪了家庭、愛情、社會、個人 信仰的轉變、衝突或對比,通過這些進化,組成豐富多彩的 人生。 The time frame of the exhibition is set from B.C. to 2001. A timeline is formed base on the background of the movies.
Evolution – the story began when the ancestor of human, the ape discovered the black stone which represented wisdom. After that, human learnt how to make use of tools to complete tasks and improve the quality of life. In addition to physical evolution, human became critical and independent to think and judge. SIMPLE EVOLUTION describes the changes, progress and conflicts in family, love relationship, society and faith through the timeline and discussed how these elements affect life.